Why Materials Matter – Seetal Solanki

Why Materials Matter – Seetal Solanki


Why Materials Matter is een prachtig boek over natuurlijke en door-de-mens gemaakte materialen, geschreven door Seetal Solanki van Ma-tt-er uit Londen.

“What does it mean to live in a material world, and how do materials of the past and present hold the keys to our future? This book tackles these questions by focusing on various issues that human beings face and by discussing potential materials-related solutions. Through the lens of intriguing projects by designers, artists, makers, and scientists, it presents a colourful panoply of ideas, technologies, and creative efforts that focus on the earth's most basic elements, while also showing how these elements can be transformed into entirely new materials. Why Materials Matter serves as both a stimulating catalog of possibilities and a timely manifesto on how to consume, manufacture, and design for a better future.”

- L30,5 * B24,5 cm

Door iets te kopen in de STORE STORE webshop steun je automatisch ons educatieve programma voor jongeren. Alle opbrengsten vloeien terug naar het project, zodat we elke maand weer een nieuwe Design Club kunnen organiseren.

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